President Leland Baldwin and her Board were installed at our Installation in June 2024. Pictured here with Past Presidents Buster Castellano and Joseph Citro.
Meet one of our oldest members: 91 year old Rafael Martinez Ybor! The international banker has devoted his retirement to preserving the history of the city founded by his great grandfather!
Rotary Club of Ybor City
Chartered October 20, 1948
It was a noche de gala in a tropical setting of the Cuban Club patio. The Ybor City Rotary Club has been a paella of nationalities from the beginning. It is the only trilingual - English, Spanish and Italian - Rotary Club in America. In the beginning, it's main thrust in International Service was the promotion of better understanding with Latin America.
In the Community Service Area, The Ybor City Rotary Club has provided scholarships for local college students, heart surgery for babies in third world countries, school supplies for needy children, support for our veterans, and educational, cultural, and artistic contributions. The club has been a leader in the preservation of Ybor City's Latin culture, History and its "Old World" charm. Our tradition first and always has been to "foster the ideals of service above self."
Since day one, The Ybor City Rotary Club has been known for its warm fellowship, delightful Spanish dishes and the ever popular crunchy Cuban Bread. A visit to The Ybor City Rotary Club is like being abroad.
Bien Venidos Visiting Rotarians and Guests!

Meeting Place and Time:
We meet every week on Wednesday from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
at the famous Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City.
Please join us for fabulous food, interesting programs,
fellowship and fun as we keep the Rotary tradition alive.
Fellow Rotarians and visitors are always welcome!